Reporter: And we’re on in 5… 4… *While countdown proceeds, the MindArk staff member interviewed stands perfectly still.* Reporter: 3… 2… 1….. Here at FGN = Fraud a Game News, it is of our general conception that there among your clients have been a lot of dissatisfaction as of late, would it by any chance be possible for you to elaborate us on as to why this in fact is going on? MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: They’re all a bunch of ***WHINERS…*** *The Interviewed Staff Member of MindArk, starts to glare at the walls, as if some fly sitting on it, just looks a bit to delicious. In a quick and confused snap-out movement, the “Staff Member,” immediately turns back his head, and look directly into the lens of the camera.* MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: ***WHINERS…*** The lot of them. Reporter: Uuhm yes well, today we will be talking to some of the people at MindArk about there obvious somewhat ”New Approach” on as when it comes to there clients. MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: I gotta pee… Reporter: We understand here at FGN news; that the clients in one way or another don’t feel like you are taking them quite as serious as you could, or perhaps even should feel obligated into having done? *The MindArk Staff Member Interviewed; starts to scout around as if looking for another staff member that he can blame for his apparent shortcomings.* MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: We own no responsibility unto our clients, we only make money on them, * MindArk Staff Member Interviewed; smiles and reveals a Goldtooth.* Reporter: Are we to interpret this as a no comment? MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: We make money, *Golden tooth shows again.* Reporter: ……. *A dead and calm silence starts taking form between the MindArk Staff Member Interviewed, and the Reporter, as if both would almost excuse a pardon on the other existence, where-after they start to speak at the same time.* Reporter: Your clients are discontent with the lack of goal and meaning in game… MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: Why fix anything that isn’t broken?... *The MindArk Staff Member Interviewed; practically asks the camera head on, as he glares into the lens with a disturbed and insecure look in his eye.* *The Reporter raises her head in a dignified manner, and then says, Quite Right, if in fact nothing is broken, nor will it appear to be, wouldn’t you agree?...* MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: We have big plans… Reporter: There has been a lot of turbulence about weather the economy was in fact caving in on itself, how does that make you here at MindArk feel? MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: People can earn money in game, its… ***Possible.*** Reporter: What about all the out-wandering clients, is that an omen do you think, or is it ***Possible*** that MindArk might or rather should have gone with another and better plan? MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: Clients got… ***Stolen*** by a bad guy named NN. He was a bad seed from the beginning, he started giving things away, being nice to the other clients, he even felt a bit of responsibility in ways of having to correct them when there FOUL language and manners got a bit to condescending unto one another. Reporter: The way you speak of this man, you make him sound so, so... What was his name again? MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: We call him NN, I think it stands for ***Nasty Navigator.*** Reporter: You wouldn’t happen to be talking about the Nocturnal Navigator would you? He helped my son get a gun and some ammo, such a nice gesture. MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: Stop making him popular, he is a bad seed I tell you, a real nasty fellow, his ways are unknown to us, he acts dignified, distant from hatred, and all that psychology nonsense of his, not to mention theology, the guy worship’s this Jesus fellow to, however he is. Reporter: Are we talking about Jesus Christ now, Jesus as in “Dying to Reach You,” Savior of mankind, wonderful counselor, that Jesus? MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: Stop making him popular to, he is a bad seed. Reporter: Erhm… Now there has been made complaints about clients who have been stalked, harassed, and in some cases they’ve been made fun of, on national TV. What exactly is the idea here? MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: We like to keep our clients quite and calm, if they start to have an opinion, we convince everyone that they are ***WHINERS.*** It is an effective trick for people with no or very little self-esteem. Reporter: What if this ***Trick*** of your comes back to bite you in the butt? MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: We have other methods, we can order rapes, & hits, also we have the FBI = Funny Business’ Involved?... - Helping us out. What we do is that we snoop up peoples sins, all of there flaws and trinkets, and finally when the cup is full we serve the general puplic all of there sins and flaws in a nice bowl of FIRE AND FILTH, on national TV. Reporter: So are we here at FGN news to understand, for MindArk to feel adequate and justified in there “New Approach,” in there every right to violate other peoples human rights? MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: We here at MindArk believes that we are entitled to the lives of others once the join our societies… Reporter: Sounds a little cult like don’t you think? MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: Not at all, people have to get with the fact that, violate all that we want, if you do not stop asking weird questions, I will grab my bat and my chain. Reporter: Does that chain come with a conspiracy, and how about the bat, does that come with a man? MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: Don’t get cute with me lady, or I will have you violated, we will pose your personal private life on national TV, but only if you are innocent, cause we can buy the FBI and other organizations to, we have BIG & corrupt power. Reporter: While treating your mocking your clients, ignoring there hopes and dream, and while taunting them and boasting about your income at there massive losses, and additionally making your own clients aware of the fact that you are in fact making abusive use of the ways of psychology, just to lure them into a trap of economical entrapment and confusion, exactly how is it that you are planning that this ***NEW APPROACH*** is going to work out, when the same time, stalk, molests, and then broadcast there private life on national TV? MindArk Staff Member Interviewed: We act friendly and nice, *Reveals the Goldtooth.* And when they feel that they’ve actually got something to hang around for, we flatter them with fake surprises and a bunch of filthy gossip, in that way they’ll start to feel special and in some cases appreciated. We of course know a lot better… *Reporter looks about, as if she would say, is there any room for the rest of us while you’re taking up OUR space?* Reporter: well I think that is about it for now, and a good day to all of you, from us here at FGN = Fraud a Game News, that you may feel great and safe behind your little monitored TV’s and Computer Monitors, Smile you’re on… “Monitored Camera.” Ps: also read, Communication levels by NN.